Asian Paints, India’s pre eminent paint manufacturers and dealers launched a new theme on 30 June 2017. The Signature Look is the latest trend in home décor and its launch was themed as ‘The World Homeward’, which takes you on a rejuvenating and nostalgic experience down the memory lane of your life. It concentrates on personalised home décor ideas for the Indian consumers with a sense of adventure, wanderlust and the spirit of exploration – in partnership with Safomasi, The Yellow Door and Limon. Including and showcasing each and every detail that made you who you are, the latest launch by Asian Paints will change your experience of living. Bringing in adventure, wanderlust and exploration centric home décor plans and ideas, the launch was a grand success, attended by travel enthusiasts and versatile personalities like Nidhi Tiwari, Rukmini Vaish and Dhruv Viswanath who were in attendance as speakers. Addressing the audience on the occasion, Shruti Rajamohan, marketing executive-retailing, Asian Paints Ltd said, “Every home is the embodiment of the person or family that lives there. It is a place that we all want to be special, where every nook and corner must mean something. And so it is our endeavour to help our consumers do just that!”
The Signature Décor Solutions has made it convenient for homemakers to get their memories immortalized on walls of their rooms. Adding co related accessories, furniture and additional intricacies to get the theme right and heighten its impact make for the perfect look. From travel experiences to bucket lists, one can get anything on the walls, get your own or choose from the pre-designed artworks on offer. Also, another way to find out the best look for your house is to consult the in-store experts and get to know about the plethora of possibilities for your home or simply walk in to an Asian Paints Store and browse through offers, firsthand.
Each store is a hub of events, interactions, activities, décor themed and otherwise. Theme of the month ideas, DIY workshops, in store contests and competitions and consultation with the country’s best interior decorator are some other perks of paying a visit to one of their stores, at anytime of the year. The colour Stores take you to another world and give wings to your creativity, along with the opportunity to browse through a gamut of textures, view finishes for surfaces and pick your favourite design. So, bring out the itinerant in you and experiment with the latest Signature look, curated by Asian Paints’ décor experts.
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