
Happy International Women’s Day!

This is for all the women that are pushing for a better tomorrow. To all the strong women out there. Keep creating, winning, earning, loving, being and thriving. For the ones who live alone yet accomplish everything. Sharing something very personal, I hope this inspires you to start whatever you have been procrastinating.

A lot of you ask me so many questions about how I started my blog, how do I get to travel so often, how do I balance blogging and various other things I do! It might all look very easy peasy but I’m going to share some of my biggest fears with you today, I still have them but I’m trying to conquer them and it’s going well.

“Get out of your comfort zone” is one of the most clichéd statements you may have come across and today I’m going to talk about my struggle with the comfort zone in this post.

A lot of you may already know about my love for reading and writing but going out and talking to strangers? No, that’s something I always shied away from. When I started blogging almost three years back because of my passion for writing, little did I know I had to go out and meet people and attend events. I loathed the idea of talking to strangers because I’m always awkward around people. Thanks to my blog which I started as a hobby I got better at doing life. These things were never taught to me in my boarding school where I’ve spent more than half of my life, rather we were told not to speak up! Obviously a lot of the good things I learnt in school stayed with me but this “not letting us speak up” impacted my life a lot. Let’s not make this about my struggles in the boarding school I loathed.

Doing things that make us scared is how we learn, grow, and feel alive. As a social introvert, I have to push myself before attending any event or meetups. I won’t be sorry if you took back any awkward memories after meeting me because that’s how I am and I am changing with every experience. Now that I look back I have become so much better at meeting and talking to strangers.

People will judge when you talk too much and even when you talk too little. I have learnt to laugh off at people’s opinions about me because obviously I know what I am.

If you think something is stopping you from starting anything new, just go ahead and do it because you are going to get better at it before you even realise. It’s difficult but you just have to keep pushing yourself to go outside your comfort zone, even when you’re discouraged. My advice is to challenge yourself and, more importantly, to love the process.

Another struggle for me is staying all alone in Delhi! I’ve been struggling between living my life all alone in Delhi and going back home to my comfort zone for quite sometime. It really gets tough for me to return back from home once I get used to the comfortable life I have there.

You must be thinking : we have all been there, we all have stayed out of our houses at some point. Why am I telling you all this?
Well, I am here to try and shed some light on this overused phrase. Getting out of your comfort zone means, plain and simple, being put in situations you haven’t experienced before. This you can encounter at home as well. But being in a place, surrounded by strangers which do not have the same mother tongue (for some, like me) does get things to a whole new level. It is sort of an upgrade, a challenging one.

Knowing the fact that you can live at your home with your parents and don’t have to care about taking charge of the household or do not have to use ubers to commute late at night but still you don’t give up and go back to that comfort zone you’ve left at home.

We have forgotten how brave women are in this patriarchal society and do not celebrate the ones who live alone in the metros and other places. So, here’s to the women who have to take care of everything themselves, who are not reminded enough about how brave they are. Happy Women’s Day!

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